Monday Jan 09, 2023

15 | The ONE thing I wish someone told me before my baby was born about being a work from home mama entrepreneur

I know I'm not the only one that has struggled with balancing motherhood and business. It's so rough sometimes!!! Here's the top thing I wish someone had told me before actually becoming a mama about being a work from home mama entrepreneur that would've helped me feel less alone. If you're struggling too, trust me, you're not alone and it does get better!


Are you a photographer mama feeling like a crazy person just trying to balance motherhood and a photography business that just isn’t paying the bills? You KNOW God put this dream in your heart but you can’t shut up the negative self-talk as you get sucked down the comparison spiral again?

Hey friend, I’m Marina; wife, mama and family photographer saved by grace. I’ve been in that vicious burnout cycle, wondering if I could turn this creative outlet into a real-deal business that could support my family. 

In this podcast you’ll find practical ways to transform your business from a time consuming (and expensive) hobby to a profitable business by finding your brand identity to confidently show up and stand out, all with a toddler on your hip.


Let's be friends!

Instagram: @marinaanayaphotography
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